Trying out surrealism...

Trying out surrealism...


How does your film conform to the conventions of the film movement you chose?

The film movement i chose was surrealism, the conventions of surrealism are an unconventional narrative, juxtaposition for disturbing effect, minimal characterisation and the stimulus is normally dreams and desires. Firstly i decided to have an unconventional narrative, i did this through editing. I made sure there was very little to no continuity to enhance the effect of the lack of narrative. I could have possibly made it even more of a uncanny narrative by introducing different props and ideas. Instead of  having normal mundane food in the picnic basket there could have been a dead bird or I could have include more dubious shots such as a random pig on a bed  however i thought with the shot of the boy on the picnic blanket being the same in the beginning of the film as in the ending it would reflect a dream like interpretation as it is almost like the boy was daydreaming and everything that happens in the middle between those shots was a daydream.The costume that i used within my short film was very mainstream, i did this purposely to modernise the film movement as the movement does not really appeal to many people. The majority of people who do watch them are forced to as they are most likely studying film therefore the audience will most likely be students.

These pictures suggest the obscurity of both the films un Chein Andulou and my film The boy as both shots are very random however if you saw them by themselves you would not say they were from a surrealist film. This could possibly show how surrealism can be apparent in everyday life. We all have different and possibly strange dreams which we may not possibly talk about due to other people opinions on us. This could reflect that the surrealist film movement appeals to more than just students and maybe people exploring their unique thoughts.

I decide to not include dialogue as that conforms with the surrealist genre, I believe this adds an extra element of suspense as you never know what is going to happen. Also I think the music I chose really contributes to the uncertainty of the narrative. 


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